
Oscars 2016 Highlights

By Unknown March 2, 2016
Oscars is a special night for me. I really look forward to it and this year it made a lot of headlines due to the absence of African American nominations. I guess they made it up with an African American host. Chris Rock was loud and clear and hammered the subject throughout the show. At one point he said something like "Black performers had been overlooked in decades but in the past, we were too busy being raped or lynched to care about who won best cinematographer." He said it in jest but it was a deep statement. 

And the Oscars ran for over 3 hours. Mad Max Fury was the clear winner of the evening bagging six Oscars. Revenant bagged the big wins: best director, actor and cinematographer. It was a big night for investigative journalism as Spotlight won the Oscar for best picture. I was also happy for Mark Rylance for winning the Oscar for best supporting actor in The Bridge of Spies. South Asians around the globe were elated to see Priyanka Chopra present an Oscar and Sharmeen Obaid win an Oscar for her Documentary, A Girl in the River. There wasn't much activism in the acceptance speeches this time except for a few. Leonardo Dicaprio spoke loudly about global warming. It was a pleasant surprise to see Mr.Joe Biden. 

 I didn't pay much attention to Chris Rock presenting three Asian kids as the accountants of Pricewater Coopers until I read this article http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/01/movies/chris-rocks-asian-joke-at-oscars-provokes-backlash.html?_r=0      Comments?

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Sapna Iyer

I'm Sapna Iyer. I am a program host at EBC Radio, and enjoy connecting with my listening audience. I also work as a Digital Marketing consultant covering emerging digital solutions, especially using marketing technology to connect communities.

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